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April 2015 The Editor's Letter So... April. Easter; lighter nights at last, ‘Daffs’ and regeneration all around; and that not so distant promise of Summer days. Good eh? And an election - well, in May. As I write this the blessed Mr. Osborne is delivering his pre-election budget speech to keep us all sweet so that we’ll vote him and his mates back into their cushy little numbers (ten, eleven, etc.). It will, of course mean very little to most of us but serve, once again, to prove that the wool is constantly being pulled over our collective eyes. And by the way, why when they put taxes up does it happen overnight: but when they give an increase in pensions or benefits do we have to wait months for it to come in to force, hmmmmm? To quote the wonderful (but sadly late) Kevin Ayers they’ll be “looking round madly for something to find, that might give them a front to put something behind”. I’ve had a desire for some years now to suggest a very minor tweak to our election system. For those who I drink with I apologize for boring you with it again but, why can’t we have one extra box added to the bottom of all ballot papers? It will simply say “none of the above”. “They” say that because we have a democratic election system then everyone (of voting age) in the country has a chance to say who they want to run the show. But if “They” are all complete numptees then we don’t actually have a hopeful say at all. I reckon we ought to have the chance to shake them all up by saying we don’t want any of you. Find us a proper alternative. Some say the best Government is one who doesn’t govern at all. Let the businesses get on with what they do best and we’ll sort ourselves out nicely. Oh well... such is the way of things, eh? Good news about the Library though. The photo on page 5 doesn’t do it justice but, a new building is going up on the site of the New Life Church on Wash Road and the Library will be on the side facing the A16. There’s an excellent crossing for pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair and shoprider users so access shouldn’t be a problem. And there’ll be lots more going on there too, if all goes to plan. Something positive; regenerative. Let’s hope it’s well used then. Just a reminder to all our valued advertisers that this, the April edition of Kirton News is the last of our 14/15 season so watch your letterboxes and e-mail in-boxes for your invitations to advertise with us for 2015/16. It’s your revenue that enables us to bring you this little ray of sunshine every month and keep you informed about what’s on in your village. It would be nice to keep it going for a little while longer..... Or would it? You decide. Let me know if you enjoy our efforts. It’s always good to get some feed back. Keep smiling; Sam Royal British Legion Coach Trip Hello readers, after our branch meeting on 10th February it was decided to run a coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. This trip is to take place on Thursday 28th May 2015 in the school half term the cost would be £10 per head, the NMA is free to enter and people can donate whatever they like to help to pay for the upkeep of the site The journey time to the NMA is approximately 2 ¼ hrs and we would leave Kirton at 0900hrs the ETA for return to Kirton is 1700hrs. If you would are interested in this trip, please contact me as soon as possible on the details below, thank you, your Poppy Appeal Organiser Roland Reece
The Kirton Church Fund The March draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine. The April draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine This month, after drawing the numbers for 3 people who no longer take part both our winners have won twice before. That just proves that it pays to keep taking part. You can’t win it if you’re not in it! You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win. Anyone over 18 may take part. We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
February 2015 Winners
Our next hymn is 123 Have you ever wondered why we sing hymns? Who started it? Where do they come from? We all have a favourite hymn, one that we know and (hopefully) sing loudly when it is announced. Think of “Morning has broken” and “All things bright and beautiful”. Then there is “The Lord’s my Shepherd”; in fact there are at least four well-known versions of this hymn. Why? Because we all know this is the Twenty Third Psalm. Have you ever wondered what happened to the other hundred and forty-nine? To answer this, we have to go right back to the Book of Psalms .Many of these are attributed to King David, written to be sung to harp music. (One even recommends which tune to use!) Throughout the ages people, like him, have sung chants and hymns as part of their worship. (The word “hymn” comes from a word meaning “song of praise”) Psalm136 seems to have been meant to be used in a procession, the leader singing the first line and the crowd behind belting out the chorus. In 1549 a Psalter (Book of Psalms) was printed with translations of some of the psalms into English verse, so they could be sung or chanted, though the music was not exactly “catchy”, being largely “Plainsong” (Think of “Creator of the stars of night”), and it was generally just the clergy or choir that “sang” them. Then poets started doing their own versions of the psalms, and congregations , accompanied by a variety of instruments, could enjoy a good sing. Obviously, being derived from the Psalms, hymns were based on the Old Testament. However, about 1690, a sixteen-year-old boy asked his dad why there were no hymns based on Jesus. “Write one for yourself,” was the reply. So he did. His name was Isaac Watts, and although his first hymn is rarely seen today, he went on to write one or two more – to be exact 750, reputedly. Some of them are very familiar still. Who does not know “When I survey the wond’rous Cross”? After him came many others, not least of whom was Charles Wesley, composer of, among others, “Forth in thy name, Oh Lord, I go”. We must remember that the important thing about hymns is their meaning, and we should be grateful that so much devotion and prayer is couched in what is often poetry of the highest order. Having done that, let’s “Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice” –and in doing so remember that we are doing what for centuries has been done by “The blessed company of all faithful people.” Shelia Kingham © What is an independent developer? My name is Craig Hodgins, and I have recently started CH Solutions, to provide my skills and experience in website development to the public, for both personal, and business use. Making a website is not easy work without the knowledge of the industry, and with responsive websites becoming a ‘standard’ in website design, it makes it a little harder to create an appealing site. Hiring an independent developer gives you the freedom of passing your website over to someone who can create and upload it for you, whilst you concentrate on more pressing issues. This is just what I offer, using your designs and plans I create a fully functional website for you, from single index pages, to full multi-page websites. Every website is different and unique, just like it should be, so unfortunately I am unable to give a price list, so please email office@chsolutions.co.uk for a free quote. When I offer my services, I pride myself on offering second to none customer service, with first class customer after care. My priority is and always will be the customer so I hope that the product I offer reflects my own personal high expectations and quality of work. You can freely contact me with questions or queries, by email office@chsolutions.co.uk. My website provides more detail about products, services and packages that I can offer. Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me and my business venture, please keep me in mind next time you think about starting or updating a website. Craig Hodgins - CH Solutions
Helping those in need Thanks to the support of many of you, you may well know of me as Mike from Ascot House Property Services. Many of my customers have become friends, some of whom have tragically lost their partner, husband or wife. With no immediate family to help them at a very traumatic time in their lives, I have stepped in to help. When someone dies there is essential paperwork and things which need to be done, but at this time the bereaved are often not thinking straight or basically don’t have a clue what to do and when. There are of course the services of the legal profession, but these can be expensive and sometimes prohibitive. With so many people finding themselves in this predicament, I have decided to set up a service which will help those in need to deal with all of the basic paperwork and notifications which need to be dealt with, removing the stress from the bereaved, at a time when such paperwork creates stress and upset. I have found that many people in such situations are elderly and not computer literate, putting them in a difficult situation, in these days of Internet. Obviously I have to charge for my time and expense’s, but I consider my rates for doing this work as extremely competitive. On finishing my tasks, I often get the comment “Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you”. Having dealt with such paperwork, it has highlighted the need for us all to make sure that we get our affairs in order before it’s too late. As a result I have formulated a check list and form to record all necessary information, thus taking the stress away from a loved one at a time where thoughts are elsewhere. There are many things which need to be recorded that many people don’t even think about. There are a number of web sites listing things which need to be done in such a situation, but I have yet to find one which offers personal one to one help in your own environment. I have therefore set up my own, in an effort to reach those in need.” ascothouseps.com”. If you find yourself not knowing what to do or would like my help, you can always give me a ring on 01205 821226. I have the support of various Ministers who consider what I am offering, as a valuable and unique service. It is my aim to help those in need at a time of distress , so if you know of anyone who may need help, please make them aware of the service I can offer. Michael Grainger.
Kirton Kids ClubWhat a lovely few days we have had – the wonderful weather enabling us to take the children outside for the evening sessions. After a good ‘tidy up’ following the long winter months, we started out with just balls and bats - leading onto scooters and sports equipment, bikes and role play. The children seem to have as much energy at the end of the day as they do at the beginning! Our outside area is very important to us and we try and take the children outside as much as possible during sessions. The children will be involved in setting this area up with plants and vegetable as soon as the weather is warmer and the frosts have gone. Staff will be busy painting and varnishing the equipment ready for the use the equipment will get over the next few months. It is lovely to hear the children playing, laughing and chattering while they play – children doing what they should be allowed to do and that is to ‘be children’. Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am and after school finishes at 5.45 pm. Morning sessions cost £3.50 per child per day and afternoon is £5.50 per child per session. If you would like a free taster session – please bring your child/children and stay and watch, see how they enjoy themselves and make lots of new friends. Kirton Kids Club is a charity and all money is put back into the day to day running, equipment and activities offered to you children. Our prices are very good value, enabling more parents and carer the opportunity to send their children for what ever reason. Kids Club enables them to extend their working day either side of school times. If you are interested in the free taster session or wish to take a look around please phone 07583 762072 or pop into the Youth Centre next to the church.
Great News;
The Senior Pastor, Neal Mugglestone and his team have agreed to take the library under their wing as well as developing a Social Hub for the community on the existing site. Although it will to start with, be a smallish library, later on in the proposed new church building/community hub, there will be a purpose build library with internet café. This will be adjacent to a Coffee Shop which will be open most days during the week, giving even more access to the library. The library will be managed by Neal Mugglestone and his team, however he will need volunteers to help in the day to day running of a library service. Training for volunteers will be conducted on site and the normal order and collect service will remain in place. What is required now is a team of volunteers who will assist Neal and his team in the day to day functions of the library. If you are interested and can spare a few hours a week or month to help out please contact: Neal Mugglestone on: 07985 14960, or email: office@nlfb.org.uk The Council is extremely grateful for New Life Community Church taking this on as without it we may have lost our library forever and the development of a social community hub will prove a very useful asset to the village. With grateful thanks to the New Life Community Church,
St Peter and Paul say ‘thanks’
The two seats, given by members of the Kirton Cup Committee in September 1999, have served many over the years using them for quiet contemplation or a resting place when out for a walk or cycle ride. Many ‘regulars’ can be seen on various days of the week or times of year and, since the building itself has not been able to be left unlocked as it once was, the benches are a welcome connection to be able to stop for a while and admire one of the Villages most treasured assets. Good on you - whoever you are and may they give support and comfort for many years to come.
New Musical
Director appointed Kirton brass band has recently appointed a new Musical Director, David Clark (Hons) LRSM. Having graduated from Universities in Manchester and Sheffield, David holds an MA and BA(Hons) specialising in Music Performance. David is also a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM). An accomplished former cornet player and conductor with Championship and lower section bands, David brings a wealth of over 35 years musical experience to Kirton Brass Band. David is looking forward to the exciting challenge of working with Kirton and leading their musical development and improvement in the months ahead. We are working towards a number of engagements for the forthcoming year and hope that David can bring his wealth of experience to lead the band and continue their development producing some high quality brass band music. David has already taken 2 rehearsal sessions with the band, which have proved to be very popular. We welcome new players of all levels to our rehearsals Thursday evenings at Kirton Methodist church hall, 6.30-7.30pm beginner's band and 7.30pm to 9.30pm main band. Two future concerts that may be of interest to your readers are planned for Friday, 24th April, Last night of the proms event at Crowland and Sunday 31st May an open air concert at Ayscoughfee Gardens Spalding. For more information please contact the band secretary on; 07792 289608 There is also going to be an open day for the beginner's band on Friday 10th April, 2015, from 11am to 3pm. The open day has been arranged during the school holidays, so that any local children interested in learning to play can come along and try new instruments. There will be experienced players on hand to show how to play a wide range of brass instruments- cornet, tenor horn, baritone, euphonium,trombone and tuba. The beginner's band is open to all ages but is particularly aimed at those between 6 and 18 years of age. Private tuition can also be arranged. For details of this event, further information can be obtained from the beginner's band Musical Director Mel Hopkin on 01775 712420 or e-mail mel@kirtonband.co.uk.
All on a roll at the Skatepark Great news! the brand new Skate boarding facility at the Dame Sarah Swift Memorial Park on Church Lane is up and running. There’s still an awful lot more to do: landscaping and creating a dirt bike track: and possibly the construction of a decorated wall to help reduce noise levels for some of the residents but - basically - the track is up and running for the kids of Kirton, and from surrounding areas, to use and enjoy. Having been down there myself to take the pictures shown here I must also, however, highlight the problem of litter which you may be able to make out on one of the pictures. Please kids - take ownership of this is a good way. It’s been a long time coming so don’t spoil it for the sake of just using one of the several litter bins sited around the park. There has just been a national survey stating that Britain is basically becoming an open tip because folks just don’t care about littering. It is such an easy problem to solve. Lets show everyone that the youth of Kirton can take a positive lead in curing this desecration.
Parish Council Elections Elections for all the Parish Councils in the Boston Borough area are scheduled to be held on Thursday 7 May 2015. As a councillor you can become a voice for your community and affect real change. Councillors are community leaders and represent the aspirations of the public that they serve. Parish councils are the most local part of our democratic system and are closest to the public. Why don’t you stand for your parish council and see what difference you can make to your local community? Becoming a candidate for election is a simple process, all you need is to be qualified to stand (as set out below), and to submit a completed nomination paper to the Returning Officer at the Municipal Buildings, Boston, by 4 p.m. on Thursday 9 April 2015. To qualify to stand as a candidate you have to be: A British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union; and be 18 years of age or over on the day you are nominated; You also have to meet at least one of the following criteria: Be registered as a local government elector for the Parish you want to stand for; Have during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day of nomination occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the Parish council area; Have during that same period had your principal or only place of work in the Parish council area; During that 12 month period resided in that Parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it. You cannot stand for election if you; Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order; Have within five years before the day of election, been convicted in the UK of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine; Work for the council you want to become a councillor for. Nomination Process Nomination papers will be available from the Parish Clerk or the Returning Officer from 9 March 2015. The candidate’s full name, address and description (if required) must be entered on the paper. The paper must also be signed by a proposer and a seconder, who must be registered electors for the parish the candidate is standing for. Their number and prefix letter from the register of electors will also need to be included on the paper. The Returning Officer or Parish Clerk will be able to provide the information from the electoral register. A consent to nomination must also be completed and returned with the nomination paper. All nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the offices of the Returning Officer by 4 p.m. on Thursday 9 April 2015. Election Day If more valid nomination papers are received than number of seats available on the parish council an election will be held on Thursday 7 May, when polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Parliamentary election and Borough Council elections will also be held on the same day. If there are less, or the same number of nomination papers received than the number of seats available, those candidates who stand validly nominated will be elected uncontested to the Parish Council and polling will not take place on 7 May, other than for the Parliamentary and Borough Council elections. For further information on the election process please contact Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager at Boston Borough Council Tel: 01205 314224 or e-mail lorraine.bush@boston.gov.uk
Frampton NewsSpring is on its way! I know this because the snowdrops are drooping and the daffodils are about to burst forth into bloom, and more importantly I and seven other members attended the Annual Spring Council Meeting of the Lincolnshire South Federation of WI’s Last Tuesday 10 March. It was a fun but fact filled day, lots of business reports in the morning which although a tad dry, gave a really clear insight into how the federation works and how we all benefit from it. In the afternoon we were entertained by Mr Paul Hayes, star of Bargain Hunt, Cash in the Attic, and all things antique...you may be thinking it but I’m certainly not going to write it!...and actually the average age there was a lot higher than you probably imagine!! Some of us had our picture taken with him and that is now on our new Frampton WI’ Social Set’ face book page. (If you are a member and have a face book account let me or Louise know and we will send you an invitation to join). We began the day by singing Jerusalem which to my shame i couldn’t remember the words but found them in my WI diary thanks to the President Ann sat next to me, and finished the day by singing the first verse only..Phew.. of the National Anthem which I did know! We were entertained by the WI choir, and no I didn’t win a raffle prize but I did buy a couple of yummy cakes and a jar of lemon curd. This has been a really busy month for the Frampton WI we held our AGM, and celebrated another year with a fish and chip supper some totally beautiful cream cakes for pud and a selection of drinks.. yes that was me with the wine. We had the usual over view of the year, reports from the President and Secretary, Three people resigned from the committee, Val, Ann and Ann, you will be missed and thankyou for all your hard work and dedication, two people joined , welcome Janice and Di, we are one down this year so will all have to do a bit extra, trust me its fun! Last month a group of us went to the cinema to see 50 shades of Grey and this month we are trying to start a walking group, a cinema group, a monthly pub /supper night and a Knit Stitch and chat group...watch this space. If we manage all this we will not be in need of a diet!! I did fancy a book club but we only had three signatures if you would like to participate in any of these groups and you are a member of the WI please let me know I will add you to the list. This April our speakers will be Val and Rex Halgarth and their subject...life in the circus and beyond. This is definitely one evening not to be missed. There will be a supper, a raffle and a competition- the entry must begin with the letter ‘A’. Let’s think out of the box!! Why not make this spring the time to start something new? Come and join us we meet at 7:30 pm the second Thursday of the month, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free.
If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: